Graham Knight

Liberal Democrat Campaigner for Burgess Hill Learn more

West Sussex transport plan consultation

by Simon Hicks on 27 July, 2010

bhtc-public-transport-june-10.jpgWould you like to see more buses and fewer cars on the road? Could more be done to promote walking and cycling? How can traffic congestion levels be reduced at key junctions in our towns?


West Sussex County Council is renewing its transport plan for the area which brings the opportunity to respond to consultation on the 2011-2026 plan, this sets out what improvements are planned and how they will be funded.  We all have a view on transport policies, whilst its good to see the County Council has finally got to grips with the backlog of potholes and poor road maintenance, more could be done to promote bus use and to tackle overcrowding at peak periods on our trains.


Travel is fundamental to our society, and road congestion, and the need to improve public transport to make it a more viable alternative to car ownership, are examples of key issues for the next fifteen years.  The increased cost of private car ownership is likely to become much less affordable for many over this time period, as well as the desire to live more sustainable lifestyles. Rather than think big it may be smaller changes can be introduced to improve congestion bottlenecks.  We need real action on promoting cycle use, for example to finally implement the Burgess Hill to Haywards Heath cycleway.


The plan also has to bear in mind central government funding restrictions and likely future housing development in our area.  We need to ensure existing roads are properly maintained rather than build new roads that cost millions for a few hundred extra yards of tarmac.


We need to promote the use of travel plans and to encourage bus use by providing more frequent services between key points such as the Burgess Hill town centre and the railway stations, linking them more closely with train services.  We need to stop treating commuters as cattle, providing more carriages for the key overcrowded peak routes, and ensuring fare increases are minimised by reducing the complexity of the rail industry’s ownership structure.

Road shows are being held for people to talk to County Council Highways experts about transport issues and fill in a questionnaire with their views and opinions.  A pity they are all being held during working hours when those of us who work will not be available, but to find out more and view the plan online visit:  Comments can also be made by emailing [email protected]

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